
Friday, June 5, 2009

Why Just Her: Mini-Review

My book -- Why Just Her -- has recently received a "mini-review" from a blogger I follow and respect, the Radical Vixen. Her review follows . . .

I was hoping to be done with the Why Just Her book by now. Since I’m one of the blogs on Sibley’s book blog tour I’m doing a mini review this month. In a perfect world I’ll be able to get it done by this weekend and will have an official review up in the beginning of June.

This book isn’t easy to read. It’s upsetting to read how the government uses it’s authority and deep pockets to bend the court system to their will. Sibley shares many emails of Palfrey’s and it’s eerie to read her thoughts. At times she was angry and ready to fight, other times she was scared and helpless. Reading details of a long, complex case certainly isn’t exciting. At times it gets dry and the legal terms and descriptions start to blend together. But it’s an excellent peek into the intensity of fighting the government within their legal arena. More people should be aware of how dirty their government likes to play.

The legal course seems so endless. The book details a seemingly endless loop of meetings, filings, briefings, postponements, rulings on this little bit that affects this other little bit which leads to more meetings, filings, etc. Some of her legal battles aren’t a surprise. After I initially interviewed Palfrey I researched civil forfeiture and found out a ton of disturbing information. When people are stripped of all their assets, finances and resources how in the world can they be expected to adequately defend themselves?

This may not be a fun read but I think it’s an important one. And I’m only halfway through:


Matt Janovic said...

I have to agree, this is a pretty solid book. Anything that might have been left-out is probably due to factors beyond Mr. Sibley's control, it appears quite a bit of the record is sealed, and that the Palfrey Estate (run by Preston Burton & Orrick, a strange choice on-the-part of the family) is gagging him on a number of issues. That's too bad, but others might be able to chime in on them over time. As a sometime participant in this saga, I have to say that it reflects what I experienced, specifically regarding my own place in the narrative.

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