
Friday, June 25, 2021

One Hundred and Forty Five (145) Years ago today . . .

. . . on the 25th of June, 1876, my great, great, grandfather, Luther R. Hare, a 19th Century hero, revered American Frontiersman and solider, spoke the last words he ever would to General Custer on that fateful day of the Battle of the Little Big Horn.

Luther Hare, West Point. 17 June 1874

He subsequently gave testimony as to what transpired at the Little Big Horn and I have uploaded it for the curious: 
The Reno Court of Inquiry into the Battle of the Little Big Horn.  At the Inquiry, Luther Hare testified in part:

“My attention had been called to some Indians ahead by our scouts, and I spoke to General Custer about it. He told me to take the Indian scouts and go ahead and he would follow . . .”


"I heard a bugle-call or a trumpet-call.  The [Custer] command moved down the valley to within a short distance of the timber and it was there dismounted and a skirmish line was thrown out.  Up to the time the command was dismounted there were probably fifty or more Indians riding up and down in front and firing.  As soon as the skirmish line was dismounted four or five hundred Indians came out of a cooley which was about four hundred yards in front of us."


"I saw what was supposed to be General Custer’s trail that went down on the left bank.  The first evidence of the fight was a dead man of “E” Company probably 300 yards from where the final stand was made there were 28 men of “E” Company.  I assisted in burying the men of “E” Company and remembered more about them."

Later on, he participated in the Nez Perce War (1877), Battle of Wounded Knee (1890) and the Spanish-American War (Philippines Theater). While in the 21st Century the activities of Luther Hare would rightfully and universally be deemed repugnant, those activitites were part  of a larger  cultural movement that has begot the United States of America, the highest form of  individual justice and liberty known on the planet.  But the battles are not yet over to  achieve an even higher level of individual justice and liberty for everyone on the planet.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

On March 3, 2021, I had my ten (10) minute oral argument in my Second Amendment Lawsuit before the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court, Fourth Department.  

A decision is expected by the Fourth of July, some 1000 days after I applied for a pistol permit in New York.


Saturday, February 27, 2021

Court Refuses Request to Record Oral Argument

By Letter dated February 23, 2021, the Appellate Division of the Fourth Department informed me that my request to record the Zoom Oral Argument in my Second Amendment cases was denied, stating: "the court will not permit the recording of oral argument."

Curious behavior for the guardians of our Freedoms.  Do they have something to hide?

So the only chance to hear the Oral Arguments which will address the conflicts between the fundamental right to self defense and to keep & bear "arms" and New York's improper curtailing of those rights is by sending an email request to watch this Oral Argument to the Clerk at: ad4-calendar-clerk@nycourts.gov requesting the credentials to watch this Oral Argument.




Wed Mar 03

10:00 a.m.

OP 20-00556

Sibley v Steuben County Licencing Officer Chauncey Watches

10:00 a.m

Wed Mar 03

10:00 a.m.

OP 20-00776

Sibley v Steuben County FOIL Lawsuit

10:00 a.m